Welcome Address



Complex Cardiovascular Intervention for Young and Ambitious Doctors

Date | 5-7 October, 2023
Venue | Changwon Hanmaeum Hospital

It is our great pleasure to inform you that the 10th Complex Cardiovascular Intervention Guro Live 2023 (CCI Guro Live 2023) will be held from Oct 5(Thu) ~ Oct 7(Sat) at the Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Korea.

Since June, 2011, the regular CCI program has been conducted at the Cardiovascular Center, Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Korea every Tuesday. As a result, over 100 of young practitioners, interventionists and researchers from different Korean and international centers joined this creative joint intervention and research activities on regular or non-regular basis.

Now we held annual Three-days meeting of complex coronary and peripheral intervention focused on newer devices & fine techniques not published nor reported up to date.

Meeting will be held during Oct 5(Thu) ~ Oct 7(Sat)

Day 1 (October 5, Thu)
18:30-21:30 Asia-Pacific Session: Complex Coronary and Peripheral Intervention

Day 2 (October 6, Fri)
08:30-10:00 Session I. Complex Coronary Non-CTO
10:00-12:30 Session II. Complex Coronary CTO
12:30-13:18 Luncheon Symposium (New Device Summit)-KIMDS session
13:30-15:10 Session III. Complex Aortic Disease
15:30-17:40 Session IV. Complex Lower Extremity Disease

Day 3 (October 7, Sat)
07:30-08:30 Special session: Multicenter Clinical Research Activities
08:30-10:00 Session I. R Live Review 2022 – Coronary
10:00-11:00 Session II. R Live Review 2022- Non-coronary
11:30-12:30 Session VI. CCI GURO LIVE 2022 REVIEW
12:30-13:30 Luncheon Symposium: Something special for Cardiologists

These are the basic structure and focus is to give tips and tricks for complex intervention.

This meeting's concept is totally different with other usual international meeting or symposium, because Target audience is 'Young and Ambitious doctors from Global' and formal language is 'English'.

We also hope that this will be a good opportunity for you, a promising leader in the same field in your country, to obtain current knowledge and technique for this challenging field in a short period. We are looking forward to see you, soon.

Sincerely yours,
